It's been a very busy week. I've done so much and the time has just flown by. My wonderful boyfriend took me for dinner at Koi in Rosebank where we had the most amazing Dim Sum and sushi followed by delicious fushion earl grey tea with lavender. The frame is from my room and it has the caption "I want to travel the world so that I have pictures of us kissing in every city". Couldn't be more accurate. I went to see him for a cup of tea in his work break and I had a pink petit four yummy!!! The typography is there as inspiration because I need the studying I'm doing to pay off. The kitty is TC and he was keeping me company as I studied. The HUGE bun is so much fun and so elegant. Surprisingly it's made with a sock!?! It gave me a headache after a while but it was still pretty. The jewels are my favourite necklace at the moment. The cupcake? A party favour made by my friend and her mom for her 21st birthday party themed black and white.
Have a great weekend everyone!!! xxxLabels: Accessories, Cupcakes, My week in Pictures, Tea